Thursday, May 11, 2017

Mommies Just Like You - Mother's Day Poem


We're in the final stretch before Mother's Day weekend, and I wanted to share this poem that I wrote a few years ago (8!!)  Having lived all over the world, we've been away from "family" for almost our entire 15 years of marriage. Without fail, we always seem to adopt some grandmas and aunties wherever we're planted. I really wanted to be able to thank them for all their help and love, but they're not technically my mom. So I came up with this poem as a way to thank them. It's written from the perspective of my kids

I've also made it as a printable if you would like to share it with your adopted mom tribe/village as well. The lovely watercolor flowers are by Fox and Hazel.

This poem may not be re-typed in its entirety without my permission. It may also not be altered or used for commercial purposes. Please email attemptingaaloha @ gmail . com for permission.  Photo may be shared as long as it links back to this page.  Mahalo for spreading the aloha!


Aloha and happy Mother's Day,


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